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Preparing for a travel nursing career

Guide to Preparing for a Travel Nursing Career

Are you considering a travel nursing career as a travel nurse? Embarking on a travel nursing journey can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. However, proper preparation is crucial to ensure a successful transition into this unique profession. In this guide, we will explore the essential steps and tips for becoming a travel nurse, equipping you with the knowledge and resources you need to thrive in your new travel nursing career.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore travel nursing through blogs and resources from top travel nursing agencies for valuable insights and advice.
  • Network with current travel nurses to gather information, ask questions, and learn from their experiences.
  • Research different travel nursing agencies to find the right fit for your needs and goals.
  • Maintain positive relationships with former employers to keep potential travel nursing career options open.
  • Consider gaining specialty experience and certifications to enhance your qualifications as a travel nurse.

Explore Travel Nursing

One of the first steps in preparing for a travel nursing career is to explore the world of travel nursing through blogs and resources. Blogs such as American Traveler, Jackson Nurse Professionals, The Traveling Nurse, The Traveling NP, and The Fabuleux Nurse provide valuable insights into what to expect, tips for adapting to life on the road, and information about different locations that need travel nurses. These resources cover topics ranging from getting started as a travel nurse to maintaining relationships while on assignment. Exploring these blogs and resources can help you gain a better understanding of the travel nursing industry and what it entails.

Top Travel Nursing Agencies

Agency Website
American Traveler
Jackson Nurse Professionals
The Traveling Nurse
The Traveling NP
The Fabuleux Nurse

These top travel nursing agencies offer a wide range of opportunities and benefits for aspiring travel nurses. Be sure to visit their websites to learn more about their offerings and how to get started with them.

Network With Current Travel Nurses

Networking with current travel nurses is a valuable way to connect with professionals who have firsthand experience in the field. By building relationships with travel nurses, you can gain insights, receive advice, and learn from their experiences. Here are a few tips to help you network with travel nurses:

  1. Reach out to nurse friends: If you have friends who are nurses, ask them if they have any contacts who are travel nurses. Request an introduction to start building connections within the travel nursing community.
  2. Utilize social media platforms: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer great opportunities to connect with travel nurses. Join travel nursing groups, follow travel nursing pages, and engage with their content. This will not only help you network but also provide you with valuable insights and information.
  3. Attend nursing conferences and events: Look for nursing conferences and events that are focused on travel nursing. These gatherings provide a chance to meet and network with travel nurses face-to-face. Take advantage of these opportunities to make connections and expand your professional network.
  4. Join online forums and communities: Explore online forums and communities dedicated to travel nursing. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your own experiences. These platforms are excellent for connecting with travel nurses and accessing a wealth of knowledge within the industry.
  5. Engage in mentorship programs: Many travel nursing agencies offer mentorship programs that pair experienced travel nurses with those who are just starting their journey. Participating in these programs can provide you with guidance, support, and a valuable connection in the travel nursing field.

Remember, networking with travel nurses not only allows you to gain insights into the best travel nursing agencies but also opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Take the initiative to connect with travel nurses, and you’ll find yourself building a strong professional network within the travel nursing community.


“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”
– Michele Jennae

Travel Nursing Networking on Social Media

Social media platforms have become powerful tools for networking and connecting with professionals in various industries, travel nursing included. Here are some tips on how to effectively network with travel nurses on social media:

  • Follow travel nursing pages and accounts: Start by following pages and accounts dedicated to travel nursing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These pages often share valuable information, articles, and job opportunities that can help you stay informed and connected.
  • Join travel nursing groups: Many social media platforms have dedicated groups for travel nurses. Joining these groups allows you to engage with a community of travel nurses, ask questions, and learn from their experiences. It’s a great way to form connections and receive support.
  • Engage with travel nursing content: Like, comment, and share posts from travel nursing accounts. By actively engaging with their content, you’ll not only show your interest in the industry but also increase your visibility among fellow travel nurses and potential employers.
  • Utilize professional networking platforms: LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professional networking. Build a strong LinkedIn profile, connect with travel nurses, and engage with relevant travel nursing content. You can also join nursing-related groups on LinkedIn to expand your network.
  • Share your own travel nursing journey: Don’t be afraid to share your experiences, tips, and advice on social media. By actively contributing to the conversation, you’ll position yourself as a knowledgeable and engaged member of the travel nursing community.

Remember that networking on social media requires consistency and genuine engagement. Connect with travel nurses, participate in conversations, and contribute valuable insights to build meaningful relationships within the travel nursing community.

Research Travel Nursing Agencies

When preparing for a travel nursing career, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on different travel nursing agencies. This step allows you to find the right company and recruiter that align with your needs and goals. Here are some key tips to help you in researching travel nursing agencies and finding the perfect fit:

  1. Explore Multiple Options: Take the time to explore various agencies and their offerings. Compare their rules, benefits, and assignment quality to gain a comprehensive understanding of what they can offer you.
  2. Keep Your Options Open: It’s important not to commit to one agency right away. Instead, keep your options open and consider multiple agencies to ensure you find the best match for your preferences.
  3. Ask Relevant Questions: When speaking with recruiters, be honest and assertive. Ask relevant questions about the agency’s reputation, the types of assignments they offer, and their support system. This will help you gauge the agency’s commitment to your success.
  4. Consider Company Culture: Research and find an agency whose company culture aligns with your values and work style. This will help ensure a positive and fulfilling experience throughout your travel nursing career.

Remember, finding the right travel nursing agency is crucial in setting yourself up for success. By conducting thorough research, asking the right questions, and considering multiple options, you can find the perfect company and recruiter that meet your needs.

researching travel nursing agencies

Agency Name Benefits Assignment Quality
American Traveler Competitive salary, comprehensive benefits package High-quality assignments in various locations
Jackson Nurse Professionals 401(k) matching, housing stipend Opportunities in top-rated healthcare facilities
The Traveling Nurse Tuition reimbursement, travel assistance Focus on personalized assignments and nurse satisfaction
The Traveling NP Flexible schedules, professional development support Wide range of nurse practitioner positions
The Fabuleux Nurse Generous referral bonuses, career advancement opportunities Assignments in-demand specialties and locations

Don’t Burn Your Bridges

When preparing for a travel nursing career as a travel nurse, it’s important not to burn bridges with your former places of employment. You may decide to take a break from travel nursing or return to your previous job if you decide it’s not the right fit for you. By maintaining positive relationships with former employers, you keep the door open for potential future opportunities. The ability to go back to a familiar workplace can provide a sense of security and stability in your travel nursing career journey.

Maintaining relationships with former employers is crucial because:

  • They can serve as references for future job applications.
  • They might have job openings that align with your travel nursing career goals.
  • Returning to a previous employer can be a smooth transition when you’re ready to come off the road.
  • Former colleagues can provide valuable advice and support during your travel nursing journey.
  • They can offer insights into potential career changes within the healthcare industry.

Remember, leaving a positive impression and maintaining professional connections is essential in any industry. In healthcare, where collaboration and networking play a significant role, it’s even more crucial.

“Maintaining relationships with former employers allows for potential career changes and future growth.”

By staying in contact with your former employers and colleagues:

  1. You can stay informed about job opportunities that may arise.
  2. You can gain insights into the current state of the industry and potential career changes.
  3. You can receive mentorship and guidance from seasoned professionals.
  4. You can continue to build your professional network, which is invaluable in navigating travel nursing career transitions.

Remember, maintaining relationships with former employers is not just about preserving connections. It’s also a way to stay current in your field and explore new possibilities.

So, as you embark on your travel nursing career, be sure to foster positive relationships with your former employers, colleagues, and mentors. This network can be a valuable resource throughout your travel nursing career journey and may lead to exciting opportunities and potential travel nursing career changes.

Consider Becoming a Float Nurse at Your Current Job

Looking to gain experience as a float nurse and prepare for the unpredictability of travel nursing? Consider becoming a float nurse at your current job. Float nursing offers a unique opportunity to work in different units or departments within your facility, exposing you to new environments and challenges.

As a float nurse, you’ll encounter the same level of unpredictability that you may face as a travel nurse. You’ll work in unfamiliar facilities, adapt to different nurse-patient ratios, and navigate various medical specialties. This experience can help you develop the essential skills needed for success in travel nursing, such as flexibility, adaptability, and teamwork.

By taking on float nursing assignments, you’ll also have a chance to broaden your healthcare knowledge and enhance your clinical skills. Each unit or department will present its own unique opportunities to learn and grow. Whether it’s working in the emergency department, intensive care unit, or surgical unit, each experience will contribute to your overall nursing expertise.

Working as a float nurse also exposes you to different healthcare professionals and fosters collaboration. You’ll interact with diverse teams, learn from experienced professionals, and build strong relationships with colleagues. These connections can be valuable as you embark on a travel nursing career, as they may serve as references or provide further networking opportunities.

Becoming a Float Nurse – Benefits

Here are some key benefits of considering a float nurse role:

  • Gain experience in various units or departments
  • Develop skills in flexibility and adaptability
  • Expand your clinical knowledge and expertise
  • Collaborate with diverse healthcare professionals
  • Build strong relationships and expand your professional network

Remember, while becoming a float nurse can provide valuable experience for travel nursing, it’s important to communicate your career goals and aspirations with your current employer. Discuss your interest in float nursing and how it aligns with your long-term plans. Open and honest communication can help ensure a smooth transition into a float nurse role.

Take advantage of this opportunity to gain experience, develop essential skills, and prepare for the exciting and unpredictable world of travel nursing.

“Float nursing offers a valuable stepping stone towards becoming a successful travel nurse.” – Your Name, RN

Benefits of Becoming a Float Nurse
Gain experience in various units or departments
Develop skills in flexibility and adaptability
Expand your clinical knowledge and expertise
Collaborate with diverse healthcare professionals
Build strong relationships and expand your professional network

Have a Savings Account

When it comes to financial preparation for your travel nursing career, having a savings account is crucial. While travel nursing agencies often offer housing allowances or furnished accommodations, there are still upfront expenses that you may need to cover before reimbursement kicks in. By having a savings account, you create a safety net for unforeseen circumstances, such as inadequate housing or unexpected expenses. This financial cushion ensures that you have stability and peace of mind during your assignments.

Having a savings account allows you to:

  • Cover upfront expenses: Whether it’s a security deposit for temporary housing or transportation costs, having a savings account ensures that you have the funds to cover these initial expenses before receiving reimbursement.
  • Prepare for unforeseen circumstances: Travel nursing assignments can come with unexpected challenges. By having a savings account, you have a safety net to handle any unforeseen expenses that may arise, such as emergency repairs or medical expenses.
  • Build financial stability: A savings account provides you with financial stability during your travel nursing career. It allows you to have peace of mind knowing that you have backup funds in case of emergencies or any unexpected financial situations.

Having a savings account is an important aspect of your financial preparation for travel nursing. It ensures that you have the necessary resources to navigate any unforeseen circumstances and maintain financial stability throughout your assignments.

Remember to regularly contribute to your savings account as you progress in your travel nursing career. Putting aside a portion of each paycheck will help you build a stronger financial safety net.


Congratulations on gaining valuable insights into preparing for a travel nursing career! By exploring travel nursing resources, networking with current travel nurses, researching travel nursing agencies, maintaining positive relationships with former employers, gaining experience as a float nurse, having a savings account, and investing in specialty certifications, you are well equipped to embark on a successful travel nursing journey.

Remember that the key to success in a travel nursing career lies in preparation and dedication. Keep your basic certifications and medical records up to date, and embrace change and adaptability as essential qualities of a travel nurse. With careful planning and a willingness to explore new opportunities, you can unlock a rewarding and fulfilling travel nursing experience.

As you venture into the world of travel nursing, remember to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry. Seek out continuing education opportunities and stay connected with fellow travel nurses through professional networks and social media groups. By staying proactive and open to learning, you can continue to enhance your skills and excel in your travel nursing career.

Learn More About Travel Nurse Basics

How can I prepare for a travel nursing career?

To prepare for a travel nursing career, it’s important to explore travel nursing through blogs and resources from top travel nursing agencies. Networking with current travel nurses can provide valuable insights and advice. Additionally, research different travel nursing agencies to find the right fit for your needs. Finally, remember not to burn bridges with your current workplace and consider gaining specialty experience and certifications to enhance your qualifications as a travel nurse.

What are some resources I can explore to learn more about travel nursing?

Blogs such as American Traveler, Jackson Nurse Professionals, The Traveling Nurse, The Traveling NP, and The Fabuleux Nurse provide valuable insights into what to expect, tips for adapting to life on the road, and information about different locations that need travel nurses. These resources cover topics ranging from getting started as a travel nurse to maintaining relationships while on assignment.

How can I network with current travel nurses?

If you don’t personally know any travel nurses, ask your nurse friends if they have any contacts who are travel nurses and request an introduction. Social media platforms are another avenue for connecting with travel nurses. By networking with current travel nurses, you can gain insights into the best travel nursing agencies, ask questions, and learn from their experiences.

What should I consider when researching travel nursing agencies?

Take the time to explore different agencies and their offerings, comparing their rules, benefits, and assignment quality. It’s important to keep your options open and not commit to one agency right away. Be honest and assertive with recruiters, ensuring that you find the right company and recruiter that align with your needs and goals.

How can I maintain positive relationships with former employers?

By maintaining positive relationships with former employers, you keep the door open for potential future opportunities. The ability to go back to a familiar workplace can provide a sense of security and stability in your travel nursing career journey. Consider becoming a float nurse at your current job as a way to simulate the experience of a travel nurse.

What are the benefits of being a float nurse?

Float nursing allows you to work in different units or departments within your facility, exposing you to new environments and challenges. This experience can help you become comfortable with the unpredictability of travel nursing, such as working in unfamiliar facilities and adapting to different nurse-patient ratios.

Do I need to have a savings account as a travel nurse?

While most travel nursing agencies offer housing allowances or furnished accommodations, there are still upfront expenses that you may need to cover before reimbursement kicks in. It’s essential to have a financial safety net for unforeseen circumstances, such as inadequate housing or unexpected expenses. A savings account can provide a cushion until you receive your first paycheck and ensure that you have financial stability during your assignments.

What steps can I take to enhance my qualifications as a travel nurse?

Consider gaining specialty experience and certifications to enhance your qualifications as a travel nurse. This will make you more marketable to travel nursing agencies and increase your earning potential. Keep your basic certifications and medical records up to date and embrace change and adaptability as essential qualities of a travel nurse.

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