How to get Hawaii nursing license

Securing Your Hawaii Nursing License Simplified

Are you considering starting a nursing career in beautiful Hawaii? Obtaining a nursing license in Hawaii is an important step towards realizing your dream. In this article, we will guide you through the process of getting your Hawaii nursing license and provide you with valuable information on the requirements and application process.

Before you can start your nursing journey in Hawaii, there are a few steps you need to follow. The first step is to complete the application form and pay the required fee. You will also need to provide a copy of your government-issued photo ID and a signed social security card. These documents are essential to verify your identity and ensure the accuracy of your application.

Another crucial requirement is a background check with fingerprints. To initiate this process, you need to make an appointment for fingerprinting through Fieldprint. Remember to enter the correct code (FPHIBrdNursing) during the appointment to ensure that the results are retrieved by the Hawaii Board of Nursing (BON). It is vital to file your license application within 30 days of fingerprinting to stay on track with the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Completing the application form and paying the fee is the first step towards obtaining your Hawaii nursing license.
  • You need to provide a copy of your government-issued photo ID and a signed social security card.
  • Undergoing a background check with fingerprints through Fieldprint is a mandatory requirement.
  • Make sure to schedule your fingerprinting appointment and enter the correct code (FPHIBrdNursing) to retrieve the results.
  • File your license application within 30 days of fingerprinting to avoid any delays in the process.

Connecting with the Nursing Community in Hawaii

Building a strong support network is crucial for nurses in Hawaii. By connecting with other healthcare professionals through online communities, forums, and local events, you can gain valuable resources, advice, and friendships. Networking with fellow nurses in Hawaii is an effective way to navigate the process of getting a nursing license in Hawaii and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments.

Attending local healthcare events and engaging in social activities not only allows you to expand your professional network but also provides opportunities to learn from experienced professionals in the field. These events often feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions, providing valuable insights and knowledge that can enhance your nursing career in Hawaii.

Embracing the unique island experience is also essential as you build your nursing career in Hawaii. While prioritizing your work responsibilities, make sure to take advantage of the beautiful beaches and outdoor activities that Hawaii offers. Spending time outdoors can help you find balance and rejuvenate after long shifts. Furthermore, participating in cultural events and immersing yourself in the local community will enrich your experience as a nurse in Hawaii.

Remember, the nursing community in Hawaii is a tight-knit and supportive group. By actively engaging with other nurses and healthcare professionals, you can find mentorship, collaborate on projects, and foster lifelong friendships. Together, you can contribute to the improvement of healthcare services in Hawaii and create a positive impact on the lives of patients.

Building connections within the nursing community is an integral part of your professional growth as a nurse in Hawaii. By establishing meaningful relationships and staying actively involved in networking opportunities, you can gain valuable insights, support, and opportunities in your nursing career in Hawaii.


Securing your nursing license in Hawaii is a meticulous process that requires careful attention to detail. By following the specific steps outlined by the Hawaii Board of Nursing, you can ensure a successful application. Whether you are applying for a permanent license or a temporary permit, it’s important to meet all the requirements and complete the necessary paperwork.

One crucial aspect of the application process is keeping track of the application deadline. Make sure to visit the official website of the Hawaii Board of Nursing to find the specific deadline for submitting your application. Staying organized and disciplined throughout the process will help you meet the deadline and avoid any unnecessary delays.

In addition to completing the application, aspiring nurses in Hawaii must also prepare for the nursing license exam. The specific details about the exam can be obtained from the official website of the Hawaii Board of Nursing. It is essential to review the exam guidelines and study accordingly to increase your chances of success.

By diligently following the application process, meeting the deadline, and preparing for the nursing license exam, you can obtain your nursing license in Hawaii and embark on a fulfilling career in the healthcare industry.


What are the requirements to obtain a nursing license in Hawaii?

To obtain a nursing license in Hawaii, you need to complete an application form, pay the required fee, provide a copy of your government-issued photo ID and signed social security card, undergo a background check with fingerprints, and file your license application within 30 days of fingerprinting.

How can I connect with the nursing community in Hawaii?

You can connect with the nursing community in Hawaii by joining online communities and forums, attending local healthcare events, and engaging in social activities. This will help you expand your professional network and gain valuable resources, advice, and friendships.

Where can I find information about the Hawaii nursing license exam and application deadline?

You can find information about the Hawaii nursing license exam and application deadline on the official website of the Hawaii Board of Nursing. It’s important to stay organized and disciplined throughout the application process to ensure a smooth and successful application.

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